Dingle Pot Still Artisan Gin 750ml

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Flavors and botanicals include rowan berry, fuchsia, bog myrtle, heather, chervil, angelica and coriander making it a unique, flavorful gin perfect for cocktails. Awarded Silver Medal at the WSWA Competition 2019. "World's Best Gin London Dry Gin" at World Gin Awards 2019...

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  • Sku : 8138230105034
  • Out of Stock
  • Country / State : Ireland
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Flavors and botanicals include rowan berry, fuchsia, bog myrtle, heather, chervil, angelica and coriander making it a unique, flavorful gin perfect for cocktails. Awarded Silver Medal at the WSWA Competition 2019. "World's Best Gin London Dry Gin" at World Gin Awards 2019.

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